No matter what industry you work in, you can understand the importance of a clean workspace. Finding a high-quality cleaning crew shouldn’t be difficult, right? Employees work better in clean spaces. When they aren’t distracted by messes or clutter, they perform better and get more work done.
Discover all of the characteristics of a superior cleaning crew and use them to evaluate your current team or as a check-list when finding a new one!
- Responsiveness. A high quality cleaning company answers your questions and requests in a timely fashion. You’re able to schedule cleaning appointments quickly and easily. If you run into a problem, you know who to contact about it. Whoever you contact solves the issue straight away. Your calls are always returned in a timely manner. You know your cleaning crew (and who’s in charge). In addition, you always have access to managers and any other pertinent staff members.
- Attentiveness. The little things aren’t overlooked. You’ll always find everything right where you left it. You’ll find that the toilet paper has been restocked, and the supplies in the closet have been replenished as well. Once they’ve tackled all the basics, a high-quality crew will go above and beyond, paying careful attention to any special requests you may have asked of them in your contract.
- Patience. They take their time. If your current cleaning crew shows up and is back out the door before you can blink, this should signal a red flag. Professional cleaners will spend a decent amount of time tackling your weekly mess. How long the whole process takes depend on how large your space is. The more time they’re spending cleaning, the higher the standards you can hold them to.
- Reliability. There’s never a problem scheduling a cleaning. They show up on time and complete work within the time they say they will, and they clean what they’re contracted to. Nothing gets left out, cleaning supplies don’t get left behind, and you aren’t left with an unkempt office.
- Fairness. Pricing is reasonable. As in the tale Goldilocks, a quality cleaning crew won’t charge you too much or too little – their pricing will be just right. Look out for cleaning companies whose prices dip extremely low. You tend to get what you pay for, and in most cases, cheaper pricing tends to mean a rushed cleaning job.
Here’s what it comes down to – there should always be evidence your cleaning crew was there. The best cleaning crews will go above and beyond your expectations. Whether it’s in the lingering scent of bathroom cleaner or the appearance of a freshly dusted desk, there should always be evidence your commercial cleaning team paid a visit.
Tidy your office space with a high-quality cleaning crew, like the pros at Office Express Janitorial. Our team of experts are dedicated to giving you a superior, positive cleaning experience.